What is Obstructive Sleep Apnea?
During sleep, the muscles which control the upper respiratory tract relax. If their relaxation is significant, the respiratory tract is narrowed and this causes the annoying snoring. If it becomes overly narrowed, then there is the likelihood of obstruction of the pharynx, resulting in the partial or even total pause of the respiration. This can last 10 seconds or more, while during the sleep it might occur dozens or even hundreds of times. The lack of air during these obstructive incidents causes the decrease of oxygen in the blood, as a result of which the brain becomes active and thus sleep is constantly interrupted.
How is it diagnosed?
For the correct diagnosis of the disease, a visit to a specialized pneumonologist is required. The best and most integrated method is the Polysomnography Sleep Study (Polysomnography). In a quiet, specially designed room, during his /her sleep the patient is examined with the use of a contemporary polysomnographer where continuous measurements and observations are done, such as electrocardiogram, electroencephalogram, electromyogram, observation and recording of the movements of the thorax, abdomen, eyes, limbs and of the whole body in general. The results of the Polysomnography Sleep Study will also determine the method of the required treatment.
How does oral and maxillofacial surgery helps?
In some cases, special surgical techniques are implemented. For instance, if the skeleton of the face of the patient is the cause of the problem, then dealing with the problem requires the help of an oral and maxillofacial surgery. For example, if the problem is located in the hypoplasia of the maxilla and of the mandible, then their movement to the proper position creates sufficient space for the respiratory tract, thus solving the problem.
Should you need any further information we are at your absolute disposal. Contact us by phone 25761010, e-mail info@znmaxillofacial.com